Saturday, December 16, 2006

Ice Skating & Pepparkakor

16 Dec Saturday
The YSA on ice. Yepp, that's right. Skating around on the ice and keeping balance is no easy task. However fun it was.
After being chilled by the weather, we thawed to Rebecka's warm home, hot glogg while making gingerbread cookies. At times it was so fun that we ended up playing with the dough however others wanted to punish the dough by some massive blows. However when we tasted the end result, the verdict was yummy gingerbread cookies. :)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Called to Serve

14 Dec Thursday
AnnSophie Ribbert has now received her call from President Hinckley to labor in the Manchester England Mission. She will be heading to the Preston England Missionary Training Center on the 31st of Jan. We congratulate her and wish her the best in this endeavor.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Hemafton-Nu är det Jul igen

11 Dec Monday
Santa Lucia tåg was in action at Brahegymnasiet (the high school in town). That began the whole family home evening for us YSA. Marina and Miriam performed in it. We then tried to figure out how this Italian myth came all the way up to Sweden.
Next we walked over to Shara's home to continue with our activities. We tried to write some letters to our YSA that are serving as full-time missionaries from our ward. Jared wrote an amusing one to Sister Rakel Nilsson. Others wrote also to Oscar and Isak.
Our tummies were treated by risgrinsgröt (rice porridge), ham sandwhiches, clementines, glogg, the works. YUM.
For our White elephant gift activity, everyone was to bring a present of minimal worth. Several dices were thrown by different people and the lucky ones who rolled a six got to pick a present from the middle of the circle of participants. Eventually everyone got one.
In the after activity, loads just wanted to hang and so we ended up playing the classic four-man-in-the-sofa game. Guys won the first round but the girls came back and won the second. It became a stale mate.
Lots of people showed up. There were 16 altogether. Thanks for everyone who came, took part and made it a fun evening!