Monday, October 30, 2006

Hemafton-Halloween/Autumn Theme

30 Oct Monday
Pumpkins, autumn leaves and candy. Things that takes ones thoughts to a mystical chilling holiday called Halloween. In this family home evening we had loads who came. 23 to be exact. With so many it became more fun in the games that were put on by exchange students Traci and Jane. Games included a trick or treat get-to-know-you game followed by donuts on a string. Leo won that game. Next was to find as many lollipop disguised as ghosts in the area. Rebecka won that one. Final game was mummification. Everyone was divided up in pairs and the first to use up a whole roll TP won. Rebecka and Lorentz raked in that prize as well. We were treated by a thought from Carolina to set small and simple goals. To have a nice finishing touch for the evening we had refreshments made of pumpkins. By Nancy's skills assisted by Sarah, we got to treat our taste buds to some pumpkin baked yum yums (bread, pie, pancakes, cookies). It was quite a captivating Halloween themed festivity.

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