Saturday, December 16, 2006

Ice Skating & Pepparkakor

16 Dec Saturday
The YSA on ice. Yepp, that's right. Skating around on the ice and keeping balance is no easy task. However fun it was.
After being chilled by the weather, we thawed to Rebecka's warm home, hot glogg while making gingerbread cookies. At times it was so fun that we ended up playing with the dough however others wanted to punish the dough by some massive blows. However when we tasted the end result, the verdict was yummy gingerbread cookies. :)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Called to Serve

14 Dec Thursday
AnnSophie Ribbert has now received her call from President Hinckley to labor in the Manchester England Mission. She will be heading to the Preston England Missionary Training Center on the 31st of Jan. We congratulate her and wish her the best in this endeavor.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Hemafton-Nu är det Jul igen

11 Dec Monday
Santa Lucia tåg was in action at Brahegymnasiet (the high school in town). That began the whole family home evening for us YSA. Marina and Miriam performed in it. We then tried to figure out how this Italian myth came all the way up to Sweden.
Next we walked over to Shara's home to continue with our activities. We tried to write some letters to our YSA that are serving as full-time missionaries from our ward. Jared wrote an amusing one to Sister Rakel Nilsson. Others wrote also to Oscar and Isak.
Our tummies were treated by risgrinsgröt (rice porridge), ham sandwhiches, clementines, glogg, the works. YUM.
For our White elephant gift activity, everyone was to bring a present of minimal worth. Several dices were thrown by different people and the lucky ones who rolled a six got to pick a present from the middle of the circle of participants. Eventually everyone got one.
In the after activity, loads just wanted to hang and so we ended up playing the classic four-man-in-the-sofa game. Guys won the first round but the girls came back and won the second. It became a stale mate.
Lots of people showed up. There were 16 altogether. Thanks for everyone who came, took part and made it a fun evening!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Traci moves back home

29 Nov Wednesday
Traci has been with the YSA since the beginning of her stay in Jönköping. She arrived at the end of August as an exchange student to study business marketing along with Jared. Now after a few months of studying, traveling and spreading happiness she moves back home to Utah State University. We thank her for treating us with her presence. We will miss her and wish her the best with all of her persuits.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Hemafton-Fräscht & Snyggt Leende

Monday 27 Nov
In this fun packed evening we divided up the evening to a thanksgiving theme and an oral hygiene theme. To start off, we had a lesson on Gratitude. We got to apply that principle by writing at least five things each of us are thankful for. A long roll of papper was decorated by these lists by the Young Single Adults. It was titled: Wall Mural: Attitude of Gratitude. Phase two of the Thanksgiving bit was to play Cornucopia Turnover (fruktsalad in Swedish). It was a hoot by using thanksgiving themed names.

In the second part of the evening, Karin taught us the essentials of oral hygiene. She showed many options that are available to us as consumers. So the thing to remember is to floss often. If you only brush, your teeth are only getting 50% clean.

In this FHE, we said bye to Karin who'll be gone for about a month. But we also said bye bye to Traci who is going home to Utah on Wednesday. She got a souvenior Moose and card. We wish them all the best!
As for fika we had some refreshing fruit salad. Thanks to the Hagmans for having us over, for everyone who came and enjoyed themselves!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Soul Nite

24-26 Nov Friday-Sunday
Den 24:e samlades unga vuxna i Gubbängen kapell i Stockholm för att visa deras funky, groovy, jazzy moves. Detta inled helgen.
På lördag kunde man åka skridskor och fika fanns på outreach center. Dagen avslutades med en till dans. Det fanns även famträdande med live band.
På söndag hölls gudtjänsten med tal från några unga vuxna och ledare från stockholms södra stav. Efter mötet fick man en matsäck.
Kom nästa år!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Hemafton-tips promenad

13 Nov Monday
In this evening of events Shara put on a competition of our wits. A "tips promenad" that challenged our geography/ history and other general trivia knowledge. Prizes were handed out to the winners. First place winner was Stéphanie. In second place came Ann Sophie. Third place winner was tied but Viktor broke the tie in the final question.
It just wouldn't be "hemafton" if we didn't have some fika. Sarah and Ann Sophie prepared some mouth-watering "kladkaka" (brownies). Thanks to all who came and participated.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Middag hos Hagmans & brasafton

12 Nov Sunday
Sister Hagman cooked up good grub for the YSA in between church services and the CES fireside broadcast in the evening. Thirteen came to have their tastebuds treated to some savoury food. We then got to write to the missionaries who are sent from the Ward. Since there was some time leftover before the broadcast we got to get some good laughs from "The RM" movie.
We then went our way and met up with others at the church for the fireside. Bishop Keith B McMullin spoke of 4 ingredients of how to increase our faith.
Thanks to all who came!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Movie Night: Johnny Lingo!

10 Nov Friday
Friday night, a time to relax from a weeks worth of work or school. Friday night became a movie night. "The Legend of Johnny Lingo", a full featured film that was viewed by many at the cozy Hagmans home. Afterwards we saw the short older version of Johnny Lingo.

So the quote from the evening, " Love is the most pricey commodity. The more you are willing to pay, the more valuable the price. The question is, are you willing to pay the price?"
"Never despise the small things. They have the potential to become great." So the question remains, how much do you value that special someone? ;)

Monday, October 30, 2006

Hemafton-Halloween/Autumn Theme

30 Oct Monday
Pumpkins, autumn leaves and candy. Things that takes ones thoughts to a mystical chilling holiday called Halloween. In this family home evening we had loads who came. 23 to be exact. With so many it became more fun in the games that were put on by exchange students Traci and Jane. Games included a trick or treat get-to-know-you game followed by donuts on a string. Leo won that game. Next was to find as many lollipop disguised as ghosts in the area. Rebecka won that one. Final game was mummification. Everyone was divided up in pairs and the first to use up a whole roll TP won. Rebecka and Lorentz raked in that prize as well. We were treated by a thought from Carolina to set small and simple goals. To have a nice finishing touch for the evening we had refreshments made of pumpkins. By Nancy's skills assisted by Sarah, we got to treat our taste buds to some pumpkin baked yum yums (bread, pie, pancakes, cookies). It was quite a captivating Halloween themed festivity.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

UV Superhelgen

27-29 Oct Freday-Sunday
This weekend was filled with activities for the Gothenburg stake with visitors from all of Sweden, Norway and elsewhere. Friday and Saturday evening there was a dance. Saturday most went to the Innebandy tournament to participate or cheer on others. Sunday we had an inspirational sacrament meeting with speakers who gave counsel and advice for daily life.
*an important note that got leftout (Sorry)* the team with Stephanie, Kristina and Kristina (from gbg) went all the way to finals :) Way to go team!
Above is a picture of Viktor after some grueling games of innebandy.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ny kvinnlig UV representant

22 Oct Sunday
Today Shara was sustained to be the new female Young Single Adult (YSA) representative. We wish her the best in her future endeavors.

We would like to thank Maria for her efforts in the short term she's been the YSA representative. Maria has moved to Borås to further her education in textile design.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Leo's Blue Birthday Bash

20 October Friday
Nancy, Leo's sister, was cunningly planning to host a Blue themed birthday party for Leo. Many of the YSA came to the shindig. It was a very monochromatic evening. People had blue clothes, blue presents, blue food, blue desserts and blue drinks. The evening was very blue, the color, that is.

We played a Get-To-Know-Leo Game led by Nancy to bring out the not-so-known stuff about him.
Some felt like breaking it down to the music like Nancy and Shara. Even Hari joined in and showed us how it's done in India. We got some dance lessons! We never deny the supply. Check out the link:

Thanks to Nancy for hosting the party. Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate and made Leo's blue birthday bash a special memory.

Monday, October 16, 2006


16 Oct Monday
Our second family home evening of the season was exhilarating! Stephanie rounded up the troops for some innebandy to get us ready for the innebandy tournament at the upcoming YSA super weekend. A solid 12 YSA came and participated. At the end of the evening we celebrated Shara's birthday. Happy Birthday!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Brasafton med Äldste Richard G. Hinckley

13 Oct Friday
Elder Hinckley, the son of Gordon B. Hinckley, came to the Gothenburg stake and held a fireside for the YSA. It was part of the stake conference weekend. Many came to listen and meet him. It was great!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


11 Oct Wednesday
The exchange evening lured a lot of YSA plus many others from the Ward. One's unwanted clothes became another's find. The clothes left over were given away. Thanks for everyone who helped out!

Friday, October 6, 2006

Inflyttningsfest hos Karin & Rebecka

6 Oct Fredag
The home warming party went well at Karin and Rebecka. It was a decent turn out from the YSA and friends. Ironically Karin was not home for the weekend since she had to travel away. Those who came had a good time. We wish them the best at their new home.

Inflyttningsfest hos Karin och Rebecka bliv lyckad. Ironist var att Karin var bort rest under helgen. Men dem som kom hade en trevlig tid. Här är en bild från kvällen.

Monday, October 2, 2006


2 Oct Monday
As autumn approaches and things begin such as school so did Family Home Evening with a kickoff celebration. 16 people showed up at the Hagmans for some fun. We played a get-to-know-you game and telephone charades. Laughs couldn't be held back. The Hagman couple finished off the event with some words of what is family home evening and the reason for it. We had loads of fun and got to know each other in a fun way in this incredible evening.
Thanks for all who came!

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Knutkalas under Generalkonferens

There was a dozen or so YSA that participated in a potluck in between sessions of General Conference that was held on Sunday, the 1st of Oct. The Elders joined in on the grub.

Annoucement of our new blog


Here's an additional source of information and fun way to document what we have done and what we're doing. Everyone is welcome to share their input. So let us take part and enjoy!

/Maria & Leo