Monday, February 5, 2007


5 feb Monday
We had a laughing and chopsticking time for this family home evening.
Jennifer Thörn had the lesson on serving others which precedes the good feelings that come from service.
Part one of the activity of the evening was telephone charades. We divided up into two teams of five. Sister Gardner started the charades acting out getting a cake ready for a birthday party. The second group had Leo start off. A funky mixture of ice skating, cowboy riding a horse and disco dancing consisted of his charades. Input was given by the other team. The first group did an additional one that was supposed to be more challenging. Led by Anton, dramatized of getting a flat tire and running to a cow to get some milk to drink. But boy, it was fun to see everyone's participation. O, the laughs we got.
Part two of the activity was using chopsticks. Each person was to pick up their own designated colored chocolate candy with their chopsticks and carry it across the room to their own cup. The person with the most candy in three minutes won. In the finals, Sister Gardner walked away as the chopsticking winner. Congratulations!
Karin and Rebecka made some cream cheese frosted carrot cake to treat us.
Thanks for all the fun, memories and laughs!

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